Jack Cruickshank Trophy Competition Day 13.11.2022

Remembrance Sunday proved to be an appropriate day to remember one of the founders of our club and for many years the Chairman who inspired us with his enthusiasm and discipline.

The trophy is awarded each year to the competitor who achieves the highest aggregate of Timed and Precision One (TP1) and Multi Target (MT), using a Gallery Rifle Centre Fire (GRCF), which is as close as we have been allowed since the handgun ban, to Jack’s chosen 45 semi automatic pistol.

JSPC expanded the events of the day to include all firearms: centrefire rifle (GRCF), smallbore rifle (GRSB), long barrelled pistol (LBP) and long barrelled revolver (LBR).

It was disappointing that only a fraction of the club’s members attended, but it was definitely an enjoyable day for those of us who did participate.

Leslie Kong was the winner this year (after many years in the sidelines) but here is a list of the results of the day. If there are any challenges, please do so by next Saturday 19th November by email to the secretary.

We are grateful for the assistance of David Rees who saved me hours by totalling the score cards, and the aggregate scores for the JC Trophy.

Also thanks to Colin Oswald, Phil Johnston and Stuart Russell for acting as Chief Range Officers during the day.

Of course, thanks too to all the JSPC members who turned out for the competitions. Well done!