141st WAPINSCHAW, 1-2nd October 2022, Aberdeen Full Bore Gun Club

Prize presentation, Sunday 2nd October 2022

History of the Wapinschaw, from the AFBGC website, well worth a read.

http: //wapinschaw.co.uk/history.htm :

•  The Wapinschaw, or weapon-show, was devised to compel the inhabitants of burghs and parishes to gather periodically to exhibit their arms and to show not only that they possessed weapons appropriate to their individual stations in life, and in good order, but that they were able to use them.

•  The first Wapinschaws were held over 580 years ago, for in 1424, in the reign of James I, Parliament, sitting at Perth , passed what is probably the shortest Act in the statute book.

Four JSPC members attended the 141st Aberdeen Wapinschaw: Colin Oswald, Leslie Kong, Bill Pow and Stuart Russell and it is such a privilege to participate in such a historical event.

Lara writes:
Please find attached the full results including the prize list.
If there are any challenges, please have them in by Thursday 13th October

We arrived on Friday to torrential rain and gales being driven by the tropical hurricane Ian all the way from Florida. Colin and I were just not up to joining the range staff who were battling to complete some of their competitions.

Fortunately for us and the rest of the competitors, Saturday and Sunday brought us sunshine (without the usual showers !!), bright enough to cause major issues for those of us using Red Dot sights.

Many, many thanks are due to the Aberdeen Full-bore Gun Club (AFBGC) for hosting this event at Cairngall Range. The team worked hard to prepare the range, including raising the targets area and replacing the sand backstop.

The storm on Friday destroyed most of the protective tents but some shelter was provided over the weekend thanks to the work team.

I was lucky to be able to take some photos, despite competing in 16 events over the two days. Many prize winners had to leave before the award ceremony, so they are not pictured.

And some photos courtesy of Bill Blackwood