We were all very shocked and saddened to hear of the sudden death of Bill Vaughan (age 74)

He had been a member of JSPC when I joined in 1985, and he was then very active in Practical Pistol shooting, both as competitor and range officer.

Although of quiet nature, he was always willing and available to help and give advice to anyone, whether they be novice or experienced shooter.

Always willing too in assisting at club days and events which led to him becoming Chief Range Officer at JSPC Open competitions for many years, when he undertook the daunting task of covering at least two full days non-stop. Many competitors from all over the UK will remember him for that.

Other than JSPC, Bill was well known and respected in Small Bore Rifle where he excelled but remained very modest about his achievements.

He was a member of the Scotland Gallery Rifle Squad formed in 2008, and competed for Scotland several times.


Bill Vaughan (CRO) in centre of photo at JSPC Autumn Open Competition 2021
Bill (second from the right) with other JSPC members at Bisley, Phoenix 2021

Colin Oswald, JSPC Chairman, writes:

Bill was a member of Joint Services Pistol Club when I joined round about 88/89 and he was there throughout the next thirty odd years. Always competing and winning at Practical Pistol and later at Gallery Rifle. Always ready to help or give advice and suggest ways of improving the club or the Colmsliehill Range. He always enjoyed telling stories and reminiscing about the good old days.

Bill was our Chief Range Officer and the many competitors who came to take part in our Open Shoots will remember fondly how he cheerfully ran the whole weekend of competitions, having already dealt with the entries and squadding.

He was always there at Colmsliehill and will be truly missed.