wapinschaw 2016 prize table

Five members of JSPC attended the 136th Wapinschaw hosted by Aberdeen Full Bore Gun Club (AFBGC) over the weekend 10th – 12th June 2016.  The event dates back to around 1864 and the trophies are teeming with history. The past few years have not been attended by the military but they still maintain their involvement.

Also joining JSPC were three competitors who travelled from as far as Essex, and one of those, Matt Peppit created a new UK record in Timed and Precision One (TP1) Classic Lever Action with a fantastic 300 with 29x. Congratulations to Matt.

Many will recognise the well known face of “Ollie”, visiting for the first time. Eleven hours road journey to get there!

The scores are now released and available on AFBGC’s website: http://www.afbgc.co.uk/wapinschaw.html


Saturday rained all day but it did not prevent Jonny Cormie from producing some great winning scores.

On Sunday it was Norman Veitch’s turn (helped by warm dry weather perhaps????) to show how it should be done and Norman took home three of the wonderful trophies. Great shooting!

Meanwhile here are a few photos, not many, as I was shooting non stop over the three days.So many competitions available and I would urge shooters to attend even if only to spectate.

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