WAPINSCHAW 2014, Aberdeen


Wapinschaw 2014 Prize table with some of the competitors on Sunday

Wapinschaw 2014 Prize table with some of the competitors on Sunday

The Aberdeen Wapinschaw has a long history


Its origins lie in the mediaeval practice of national and local defence where every man of any means was expected to provide himself with arms and armour and to turn out when required armed and ready to defend the country. At regular intervals, usually once a year there would be an inspection of these weapons at a “Wapinschaw” or weapons showing where the local King’s man would ensure that people had the weapons they were required to hold. The event would be combined with shooting and other competitions.As the years went by the event changed until the nineteenth century it became associated with the volunteer rifle movement. The volunteers were citizens who equipped themselves with military rifles and equipment and organised themselves into volunteer companies. These were the predecessors of the Territorial Army who organise the competition these days.

The Civilian Gallery Rifle element of the 134th Aberdeen Wapinschaw was held on 14th and 15th June so as not to conflict with other GR events happening later on in the year. The Civilian Fullbore and Cadet Matches of the 134th Aberdeen Wapinschaw will take place on Saturday 6th September 2014. The Civilian part of the Wapinschaw is run by Aberdeen Full Bore Gun Club on behalf of The Aberdeen Wapinschaw Association.

The usual BBQ was present on both days and home baking tempted the hungry (and not so hungry) time and again.

Only three JSPC members made the journey north, each in his own car, so there was room to spare for those who could have found the time to attend this great event. Steeped in history, it is an honour to be part of this weekend.

Members of the Scotland Gallery Rifle Squad were numerous and the Aberdeen and Dundee members scooped most of the prizes with some fantastic performances in TP1, Multi Target and Phoenix A competitions.

The 134th Aberdeen Wapinschaw
Sat 14 th – Sun 15th June 2014
at Drums Ranges
Prize List
Event Winner Score
0101 25m Precision GRSB 987 Charles Bestwick 286 8X
0102 25m Precision GRCF 1609 David Rees 297 21X
0121 25m Precision LBP 2340 Glenn Gordon 285 8X
0122 25m Precision LBR 2337 Greg Rastall 270 4X
0142 25m Precision MLR 2337 Greg Rastall 136 1X
0502 America Match GRCF 1609 David Rees 279 9X
0521 America Match LBP 1765 Leslie Kong 231 1X
0701 Timed & Precision 1 GRSB 1828 John Crouch 300 16X
0702 Timed & Precision 1 GRCF 1828 John Crouch 300 27X
0721 Timed & Precision 1 LBP 2340 Glenn Gordon 294 8X
0722 Timed & Precision 1 LBR 2840 Scott Lyon 296 12X
0742 Timed & Precision 1 MLR 2337 Greg Rastall 167 2X
1101 Multi-Target GRSB 1828 John Crouch 115 14X
1102 Multi-Target GRCF 2337 Greg Rastall 118 18X
1121 Multi-Target LBP 2340 Glenn Gordon 117 17X
1122 Multi-Target LBR 2840 Scott Lyon 102 7X
1301 Phoenix A GRSB 2194 Graeme Dodds 189 15X
1302 Phoenix A GRCF 1828 John Crouch 195 21X
1321 Phoenix A LBP 2340 Glenn Gordon 184 9X
3601 25M Mini-Methuen GRSB 2739 Martin Kay 185
3701 25M Mini-F-Class GRSB 2739 Martin Kay 185
5137 100M Muzzle-loading Rifle-Small bore 9010 Steve Rider 91 1X
5147 100M Muzzle-loading Rifle-Large Bore 987 Charles Bestwick 46 2X
5187 100M Black Powder Cartridge Rifle 2743 David Whyte 96 1X
Aggregate – GRCF 2194 Graeme Dodds 612 59X
Aggregate – GRSB 987 Charles Bestwick 598 48X
Aggregate – LBP 2340 Glenn Gordon 411 25X
Aggregate – LBR 2840 Scott Lyon 398 19X
Aggregate – Mini-series 2739 Martin Kay 370
Aggregate – Timed & Precision 1 1828 John Crouch 600 43X
Aggregate – Multi-Target 2337 Greg Rastall 232 32X
Aggregate – Phoenix A 2194 Graeme Dodds 383 39X

Many thanks to Charles and Lara and the team of workers who made the event possible.

I do hope that this article will encourage some more of our members to participate in future years. It is well worth the long drive, which is itself a beautiful part of Scotland, if you can forget about all the “safety” (speed) cameras

Here are some photos of the weekend

wapinschaw 2014 007 - Copy wapinschaw 2014 011 - Copy wapinschaw 2014 029 wapinschaw 2014 033 wapinschaw 2014 038 wapinschaw 2014 002 - Copy

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