Jack Cruickshank Trophy 2013

On Sunday 23rd June, the JC trophy competition attracted 15 entrants on a very damp and windy day.

Scores suffered, perhaps the weather or perhaps the occasion, but it was a full morning of competition shooting, which is always a good thing. Thank you to all those who took part.

The overall winner is the highest aggregate of Timed and Precision 1 (“Police”) plus Multi Target (“Service”) in centrefire rifle, and this year Robert J Tonner regained the trophy after a year which saw his father Robert (Senior) looking after the prize.

Well done Robert J, and congratulations to Colin who scored the only 300 of the day in TP1, earning him a well deserved Gold Medal.

Timed & Precision GRCF Multi Target GRCF Aggregate GRCF
NAME Score X Place Score X Place Score X Place
Reg Collins 296 3 105 5 401 8
Paul Evans 294 8 109 5 397 13
Ann Rolland 295 2 89 4 314 6
Robert Elliot 296 4 103 5 399 9
William J Paterson 298 16 112 12 410 28 2nd (cb)
Robin Bell 296 16 93 4 389 20
Bill Pow 299 21 2nd 91 7 390 28
Vic Beaumont 299 16 112 11 411 27
Robert J Tonner 299 18 3rd 114 8 1st 413 20 1st JC Trophy
Colin Oswald 300 20 1st 109 5 3rd 409 25
Duncan Ross 283 2 98 3 381 5
Jim Doherty 292 9 108 5 400 14
Leslie Kong 298 17 112 11 2nd (cb) 410 28 3rd
Timed & Precision GRSB Multi Target GRSB
Lea Cooper 278 5 103 5
Vic Beaumont 299 12 1st 107 7
Paul Evans 287 3 96 1
William J Paterson 296 5 113 3 1st
Robert J Tonner 297 13 2nd 110 4 2nd
Bill Pow 296 13 3rd 108 7 3rd
Leslie Kong 296 9 101 2

Photos courtesy of RJ Tonner. (Bill Pow had to leave before the prize giving)

Robert J wins the 2013 JC trophy

Robert J wins the 2013 JC trophy

Vic collects a medal

Vic collects a medal

Colin wins the TP1

Colin wins the TP1

Leslie collects a medal

Leslie collects a medal

Vic collects another

Vic collects another

John Paterson collects a medal

John Paterson collects a medal