DERBY OPEN. JUNE 2023 (update 27.06.2023)

Members of the Scotland Gallery Rifle Squad at Derby

Several members of JSPC attended the Derby Open 2023: Stuart Russell, Stuart Rankine, Chris Douglas and Leslie Kong, all of whom were included in the Scotland Teams for the National competitions against ENGLAND and WALES.

Small bore– C Bestwick  S Russell  C Douglas  G Dodds S Lyon 
Centre fire– G Gordon  M Hibberd  J Sinclair  J Cormie  L Kong 
LBP– S Rankine  J Cormie  G Dodds  G Gordon  D Berry 
LBR– S Rankine  D Berry  G Gordon  J Cormie  L Kong 

Provisional results were announced, but recent update from Jim Smith from Derby:
“There was a glitch in the results of The Brownells Trophy for the Home Countries International Match and the medals were presented to the England team. In fact Scotland had won, and they won the Pistol and Revolver matches too. Pulling off a clean sweep. Winning team members will be presented with Brownells medals. The scores can be seen on

SCOTLAND were the winners of the RIFLE AGGREGATE (GRCF + GRSB)

SCOTLAND also won both LBP and LBR events

Results can be found here

The weather was tropical, sweltering all weekend and no rain.

HUGE THANKS to Jim Smith and all his team, also to all the sponsors who donated a fantastic selection of prizes which can be seen in the attached photos.

1500 match on C range

The Scotland delegation did very well and came away with many prizes, as the small selection of photos demonstrates. I have included a few others showing some familiar faces from Bisley and other venues.

As usual, if anyone objects to their photo or name being displayed, please contact us!