National Championships 2022. (including Home Countries Match).Bisley

Wales, England and Scotland teams

September welcomed the National Championship at Bisley with six JSPC members travelling South to attend the weekend, four of whom represented Scotland: Leslie Kong, Bill Pow, Stuart Russell and Robert J Tonner (who acted as Captain in the absence of Graeme Dodds who was unable to get away from work). Colin Oswald attended as Scotland Team Manager, and Doug Green as a range officer.

Scotland missed many of their top shooters who were unable to attend. We hope to provide a better show at the next Home Countries engagement which will be held at Colmsliehill during the JSPC Spring Open 2023. Date to be announced.

That said, England proved too strong during this weekend and won all the aggregates: GRSB/GRCF, LBP and LBR.

Wales unfortunately could only compete for honours as they were unable to produce two teams of four. Such a shame as they topped the scoreboard!

Provisional results can be viewed on the NRA site:

With the assistance of Glenn Gordon, I am able to show some photos of the weekend.

Tense moments at the scoreboard
Ash Dagger did the presentation of medals
Robert J checking something??
David Guest holds the trophy high!
Very technical! Live results courtesy of Mark
The Prize table