DERBY OPEN: June 2022

Taff Wilcox unveiled the plaque in memory of David Holt who sadly passed earlier this year.

25-26th June welcomed the eagerly awaited Derby Club Open weekend which included a Home Countries Match, with many sponsors donating generously and attracting a huge turnout of competitors.

The Derby Home Countries Match medal sponsored by Brownells

The weather was kind to us with only a some light showers on Saturday.

Seven JSPC members were present: Bill Pow, Doug Green, Stuart Rankine, Stuart Russell, Robert J Tonner with his son Robert L and Leslie Kong.

Scotland Squad members Dave Berry, Jonny Cormie, Graeme Dodds, Peter Cousar and Mike Hibberd also attended and we managed to secure a win in the Pistol/Revolver National Match, however losing to England in the Rifle section.

Provisional results have been published:

and a report from Jim Smith, Derby Match Director:

Dear Competitor

The Derby Open 2022 saw 101 competitors and almost 950 events being shot. 

I think you will agree that the prize table was excellent with numerous high value prizes to be chosen. This was also due to the extraordinary support from the ten sponsors who supported the meeting. It is worth mentioning them by name as they deserve our thanks and having confidence in our sport. Please support them in return.

Wentworth Sporting Supplies

RWS ammunition



The Countryman of Derby

Praesidia Rifle Accessories

The National Shooting Centre

Shooting Supplies Ltd.

Rude Fat Dog

The Results can be seen at  or

You have seven days to challenge a score you think is wrong.

I will contact those who were not present at the prize giving and are due a prize in the next few days.

The Home Countries International Match was won by England, congratulations. and Scotland won the Pistol and Revolver matches. Winning team members were presented with Brownells medals. The scores can be seen on


The Derby Open really is a team effort and would not be possible without the 30 or so Range Crew who worked unbelievably hard over the weekend. Stats deserve a special mention for producing the final results 20 minutes after the last shot, and most importantly Pam & Mick on the BBQ.

Thanks to Taff, Kerri and Rogers Masonry for presenting the plaque in memory of our friend David Holt


£155 was raised from Alison and Mick’s Pizza evening on Friday for Dave Holt’s chosen charities.

£170 was raised for the Air Ambulance service from donations at the BBQ.

Thanks to everyone who supported the GBGR squad by buying raffle tickets.

We hope you all enjoyed the shooting and the evenings, and the weather was OK too.




Jonny, Graeme, Stuart Rankine and both Tonners did Scotland proud with some very impressive shooting and collected some fine prizes from the very generous sponsored table. Some photos attached below. These are only some of the numerous taken, and I am including those relevant to Scotland and some with familiar faces. Derby website will show more.

England (partial) Gallery Rifle Team
Scotland (partial) Pistol and Revolver Team