The 139th Aberdeen Wapinschaw (8th -9th June 2019)

Four members of JSPC travelled north to attend the 139th Aberdeen Wapinschaw which was held at two locations (Cairngall and Denwood ranges) due to the club losing its range at Drums.

Aberdeen Full Bore Gun Club (AFBGC) members deserve many thanks for the great efforts in arranging the events which included dismantling, transporting and reassembling the turning targets between the ranges.

Catering was provided in the form of burgers, bacon and sausages with the added bonus of home baking.

The provisional results show that Gary Bowden took the majority of prizes having shown us a very impressive display of marksmanship over the two days. Jonny Cormie also did very well, having only competed on the Sunday.

It was very pleasing to see Ollie (aka Alan Warner) who like Gary, travelled a very long way (as we do to Bisley)

Thanks to Bill Blackwood, I am able to add some photos of the weekend events.