Members cannot have failed to notice our enlarged badge on the building, professionally prepared for us by Lea.
Thank you very much Lea.
Friday: the Tonners and a few dedicated members took time off their work to instal a log burner with all the necessary piping required to provide some warmth to the range. This was a very specialist job so many thanks to these members for their expertise and efforts.
Saturday: only six members attended but the fine weather allowed us to begin deleading the backstop, a job long overdue. Buildup of lead was starting to cause ricochets which can be a real liabililty. The hire of a mini digger proved to be good value as there was no way we had enough muscle power to tackle the heavy work involved.
Work also continued with the installation of solar power to the generator shed.
Sunday was best attended, though only a fraction of the membership showed up.
RJT and John P continued preparation of the air weapons range, which is still in need of more work and assistance is required for this job to be completed.
Target boards were cut to size and shaped, windows fitted to the clubroom, cleaning done, and some painting.
Backstop tidied ready for next weekend.
Many thanks to Pauline for providing us with great food on Sunday. Very, very welcome!
Special mention to Roberts (Senior and Junior) who arranged purchase, hire, collection and delivery of all the materials required for the weekend. Without their help, perhaps none of these tasks would have been achieved!
Much work though, still to be done.
***We do request that more members offer their help at these maintenance days otherwise tradesmen will have to be employed to do these tasks, and fees will have to be increased to cover these expenses.