
22-23 October 2016

This is a rather late report and my apologies for that. Too much to do at home and at work.

I was very fortunate to be invited to share a lift with Norman and Bill to Bisley, and how could I say no to such an offer? So last minute bookings for squadding and for accommodation, and lots of reloading to prepare.

I drove to Gateshead and hitched a very comfortable lift to Bisley.

As you can see from the photo, Bisley was covered with wintry mist every morning, and that was the scene until noon every day. But the rain kept away and that was a blessing to us all as the recent range changes means that all 10-25 metre stages are held in the open air.

To be brief, all three JSPC members returned home with something to show. Norman as usual topped the medal table with 11, Leslie brought home 4 and Bill came with two very impressive wins. The results are attached as pdfs or can be seen on



Norman created a new UK record in 1020 Open Class with a score of 1020 95X.

Congratulations from all of us.He was unfortunate to have problems with that same gun later which meant he could not complete his other competitions. I hope that can be sorted as soon as possible.

That brings us to the end of the competition season, and time to repair and tweak our tools for next year.

Best wishes to everyone!