Five members of JSPC travelled to Derby for their June Open competitions, four of whom competed in the Scotland Team,
Chris Douglas, (Glenn Gordon, Aberdeen), Bill Pow, Robert J Tonner, Norman Veitch
Leslie Kong was elected acting Captain by the team with a sense of humour.
England and Wales though, were able to field up to ten shooters to provide two teams of five for the matches.
Despite this huge disadvantage, Scotland won the small bore element of the match, no mean task, but came in third place for the centre fire.
Here are the results:
Chris Douglas scored a personal and UK best of 120 (13X) in Multi Target SB, however, because of some cross fire, the UK record aspect may be in question. Whatever the outcome, congratulations to Chris are well deserved.
Here is Chris’ declaration:
I’d like to clarify things about the Derby Open Shoot regarding the potential new British Record.
Due to cross shooting the competitor next to me landed a couple of low scoring rounds on one of my targets. The Range Officer was made aware of the extra rounds and targets were scored according to the rules.
I have been in contact with Derby and the relevant officials to discuss the record and the cross shooting incident.
I have been told that the British Record is there if I wish to claim it, the choice being up to me.
I know what I shot but it is my opinion that there will always be someone who will question my integrity and the validity of the score.
**I can confirm that I have made it known that I wish to decline the British Record.**
It was a tough choice to make. I’d like to thank those that supported me for their kind words following my decision.
The score of 120 – 13x stands and will be published. I will settle for a personal best and be content the record was mine to decline.
Chris Douglas