The Home Countries National Match, Bisley 23rd August 2014

“The Nationals” will be held at Bisley this weekend, and I have taken the liberty of copying the report below from the website.(Thank you Neil)

In addition, each country is entering teams in LBR and LBP, in the TP1 discipline only.

LBR Team

Jonny Cormie 2055

Scott Lyon 2840

Chris McLean 1569

Robert Tonner 2329

Greg Rastall 2337


LBP Team

Charles Bestwick 987

John Crouch 1822

Glen Gordon 2340

Leslie Kong 1765

Robert J Tonner 2330

We wish Scotland every success!


The Annual HCNM Match

At the GR&P National Championships

Nats - mt

For the last half dozen years or so the Gallery Rifle National Championship meeting has hosted the Home Countries National match.

This is a head to head affair with teams from England, Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland having the opportunity to compete in the popular disciplines of T&P1 and Multi-Target matches in both Centrefire and Smallbore.

The nation’s captains have named their teams for the 2014 championship which will take place as usual on Melville Ranges, Bisley on saturday the 23rd August. Prizegiving will be in the English XX club from 18:00 onwards where the bar will be open for drinks and food.


The Teams


SB – Jonny Cormie, John Crouch, Scott Lyon, Robert J Tonner (jnr), Greg Rastall
CF – Charles Bestwick, Graeme Dodds, Glen Gordon, Leslie Kong, Norman Veitch


SB – Jim Smith, Keith Cox, David Hackett, Matthew Peppitt, David Guest
CF – Peter Watts, Chris West, Colin McMichael, Morne Van Dalen, John Shine


SB – Taff Wilcox, Andy Summers, Jon Avetoomyan, Terry Fry, Gwyn Roberts.
CF – Terry Lowman, Dale Rogers, Gerry Betteridge, Ian Price, Bob Worthington