DERBY OPEN: June 2024

JSPC members Ian Burton, Chris Douglas, Doug Green, Leslie Kong and Stuart Russell attended the annual Derby Open which attracted a record number of competitors.

Many thanks are due to Jim Smith and his amazing club members who obviously put in a lot of work in preparation and running the weekend event.

Scotland entered teams for the Home Countries Matches against England and Wales:

Small bore
J Cormie
Chris Douglas
C Bestwick
G Dodds
J Sinclair

S Russell
M Hibberd
G Gordon
I Burton
L Kong

G Gordon
J Cormie
G Dodds
S Russell
M Hibberd

J Cormie
C Bestwick
L Kong
G Dodds

results can viewed on the Derby Club website:

Home Countries Medal sponsored by Brownells

Thanks to some very generous sponsors, the prize table was awash with a range of fantastic gifts for the winners choices.

England Rifle Teams
England LBP Team
Scotland LBR Team
Shooters of the Future