ATSC weekend, Bisley 20-21st April 2024

High Tea at the “Army”

The usual enthusiastic members of JSPC ventured to Bisley to attend the “Army shoot” which I highly recommend despite the very lengthy journey and costly accommodation. Chris Douglas, David Rees, Stuart Russell and myself had a very enjoyable weekend of shooting, with Chris and Stuart both coming home with prizes having scored some very decent points against some tough competition. I am copying the email from Daron who explains the results of the weekend:

Firstly, and sincerely most importantly, thank you all for attending this year’s Open, it was great to see some familiar faces along with a number of new ones this year. On the note of new faces/shooters, if you enjoyed the competition and would recommend it to other shooters in your club, then please do so. You can point them at either myself on this email address, our club chair via the email or in the direction of our Facebook page “ATSC Target Pistol”. 
And special thanks to the RO’s for all volunteering to support the Open, without you it couldn’t happen and so many volunteered this year with some even only coming along for the RO work, not shooting a single shot themselves, so a massive thank you from the committee for this. 
Please find attached results from this year’s 2024 Open competition. 
Any issues, just let me know on here and I’ll confirm via the handed in scorecard. 
Notes: Chris Douglas pointed out an issue with his 1500 score that has been corrected, making him the 1500 aggregate overall winner. Well done Chris and apologies for the error in our initial scores. 
Kind regards, 
Daron Pritchard, Secretary 

Chris collecting one of his prizes