Charles and Lara prepare the prize table trophies

Having been postponed due to Covid pandemic restrictions, the Wapinschaw weekend finally took place at Cairngall range, near Peterhead on 1-3rd October 2021.

Autumn was in full swing and Saturday in particular saw the competitors drenched with rain and blown with high gusts.

Nevertheless, some shrugged it all and produced some very noteworthy scores, especially Graeme Dodds, who won many of the wonderful trophies.

The provisional results:

Ivan and Lynne provided their usual tasty foods: home baked chocolate brownies, cherry cake and ginger cake, plus the bacon rolls and burgers to try to keep us warm and contented.

Some photos are attached here with thanks to Bill Blackwood and Leslie:

Saturday rain and wind
Scott Lyon accepting a trophy
Only trophies were awarded on Sunday. Individual tokens will be presented at a later date
Jonny Cormie (again)

David Farmer
Charles accepts trophy from Lara
And another