JSPC MEMBERS should all have received an email from the secretary with updated information for the range reopening, planned for 26th April 2021.

Please note that the recent announcement of easing of restrictions does NOT apply to the use of the range which is classed as an “indoor sports facility”.

Attached here are some documents which are relevant to the procedures to be followed once the range is reopened.

JSPC members should also have received an email from Scottish Target Shooting (STS) clarifying the news from the Scottish Government.

Here is a copy of that email:

COVID-19: First Minister’s Statement on 13 April

The First Minister issued an update on 13 April accelerating the easing of travel restrictions from Friday 16 April, aimed at improving the mental health of the nation by encouraging more people to see small groups of family and friends in an informal outdoor setting. We welcome this news as a positive step but appreciate that in a sporting context it has the potential to create some confusion about what is allowed for the period between 16 and 26 April. We have tried to provide some clarity below:


– From Friday 16 April, some travel restrictions will be relaxed to allow travel across Scotland for the purposes of meeting outdoors with friends and family. This will allow travel for informal physical activity, but not for organised sport.

– Travel restrictions for wider purposes (including organised sport, leisure, shopping, visiting hospitality premises or staying in tourist accommodation) will remain until 26 April, as originally planned, when all travel restrictions within Scotland will be lifted.

– Travel for organised sport will still be able to resume as originally planned on Monday 26 April. Please note this is consistent with Scottish Government’s phased approach to the easing of lockdown restrictions.

Outdoor Gatherings

– Up to 6 adults from 6 households can meet outside. The exemption for groups of up to 15 adults taking part in organised outdoor sport remains.

So to clarify, travel for organised sport will not resume until Monday 26 April, as originally announced, consistent with the Scottish Government’s phased approach to the easing of lockdown restrictions. We will work to update our guidance to include once we receive information on what changes will be coming into effect on April 26. Once we have clarity on this, we will work with sportscotland to prepare updated guidance to issue to members.

STS Admin Team

Scottish Target Shooting