1500 match

The NRA issued a letter on 2nd November with the devastating news that Shooting Ranges will be closed from 5th November – 2nd December 2020.

Since March, the COVID 19 virus has disrupted life and livelihoods around the world, and we wish everyone to remain safe and healthy so that we can survive this awful pandemic.

UK shooters have been very fortunate that Bisley were able to hold the National Championships in August and more recently the Autumn Action Weekend.

Seven JSPC members attended the weekend where social distancing and lots of hand sanitisers were evident. Catering was very limited, but those of us staying at Bisley were able to self cater when the clubs were closed. Not an ideal situation, but this is not an ideal world.

The weekend went very well, but we were treated to a very wet autumnal weekend with some very heavy rainstorms at night and strong winds. Daytime was thankfully much calmer and we were able to complete all our competitions.

Huge thanks again must be bestowed on the office and range staff who enabled the weekend event.

Here is the Prize List and Results for those of you who have not seen them on the NRA website.