Scotland Gallery Rifle. Report from the manager

Sent: 23/01/2015 13:48:19 GMT Standard Time
Subj: Scotland Gallery Rifle
Hello Everyone,
Another full year of GR shooting to look forward to !
2014 was again a most successful season with members of the squad pushing the limits even further. We attended the Spring and Autumn Action shoots, the Phoenix Meeting, the GR Championships and the Trafalgar Meeting – all at Bisley. Five squad members travelled to Ireland to compete in the Irish Open. A team, Graeme, Mike, Norman, Bill and Leslie, competed in the Derby Open. Two members, Jonny and Scott, went even further afield to compete in the GR World Championships in Germany. We have three of our members, Greg, Glenn and Jonny in the Great Britain squad for the World Championships – again in Germany in 2015. The first Home Countries revolver match was held during the Phoenix – we won it. Robert J Tonner took top prize in the Multi-Target Long Barrelled Pistol. Norman took the ‘Best newcomer’ and set a British record in Advancing Target at the Phoenix.  Members competed at the Aberdeen Wapinschaw and the Alnwick Open.
All told we took 73 Gold Medals, 61 Silver and 39 Bronze ( This is in fact a conservative estimate, I have probably missed some).
We will, of course, be competing in at least all these meetings in 2015 – Derby, Ireland, Germany, Bisley, in addition to the Open shoots being run by our own clubs. We will be organising the GR Scottish Championship and other accredited shoots under the SPA banner. This will mean that Scottish shooters will be able to submit more than the basic four scores for the national ranking tables. If you have a look at these rankings on the GR website, you will be dazzled by the number of squad members on the front pages.
This is a daunting program. It will be difficult – or even impossible – if we are not properly organised and funded.
 You will be aware of the present debate about the grouping of the shooting disciplines under “Scottish Shooting”. The proposed arrangement should be published soon. It remains to be seen whether there is a place in this organisation for Gallery Rifle. Naturally, perhaps, the emphasis seems to be on the ‘elite’ – Olympic and Commonwealth Games disciplines. We will see.
As regards the Scottish Shooting Centre, can we expect provision for GR ? Turning targets at 25 and 50 would be a minimum requirement with hopefully advancing target. Again we’ll see !
I’ll be sending out information and dates shortly.
Meanwhile, let’s get on with our shooting!
Best regards, Colin