An email was put out to muster members to assist on a maintenance weekend. Thank you to those who acknowledged the email and responded as requested and to those who apologised for their absence.
Despite a notable lack of support, ten members of the club attended on Saturday (Colin, Leslie, Robert (Snr), Johan, John N, Chris W, Norman V, Paul E, Jim D and of course Tam) and the weather was kind, contrary to the warnings of heavy rainfall.
The team worked (not tirelessly) steadily throughout the day and we accomplished far more than anticipated. Perhaps Tam’s cooking gave us the energy to attack the enormous tasks set out before us.
Some of the jobs included:
cleaning the firing points
cleaning the clubroom and kitchen
laying the foundation for the generator shed extension
tiling the walls and ceiling of the portacabin (in progress)
rebuilding the mantle above the backstop
deleading the backstop (completed in the afternoon)
Jobs still to be done:
building the generator shed extension
Removing the rockfall from the sand at the right of the range
Sorting and clearing the contents of the old portacabin
cleaning the toilet facility and work area
building shelves to store books and magazines
sourcing a locker for targets
Sunday: we were joined by RJT, Rab, Peter R, Jake R, Malcolm, J Paterson and Mark S.
Lots of work tackled, but still some jobs left, partially due to lack of hands.
A big vote of thanks to all the members who attended to help. Without such help, our club would not have such a fine facility.
(I am told that to bring in specialists to delead the backstop could cost in the region of £9000. If true, it is a frightening thought)
I would like to urge ALL members to try to give their support in the day to day maintenance of the range. Each session requires Targets to be put up, boards repaired, the range cleared at the end of each day, the clubroom, kitchen and toilet areas cleaned.
We do not have paid staff, members are expected to leave things as they hope to find them. Thank you.
Here are some photos on Saturday.