ALL FAC holders, please note:

Could I ask that you consider notifying ALL of your club members by use of your  group e-mail lists to check that their FAC is signed.
It has been brought to my attention that Police Scotland’s attitude when a FAC is received by them for whatever reason (renewal/variation/inspection) that


              `a charge report for revocation on any certificate that arrives unsigned`  will be completed.


The shooter who will most likely  get caught out will be one who seldom changes firearms and assumes that after a variation has been added that they have received back their old, already signed, FAC so they won`t check it when it falls through the letter box, but there are probably others who just forgot.  


 Not being signed could have serious repercussions for every RFD whose signature is on the inside should Police Scotland go down that line of inspection next !!!


Shooting @ Fife & Kinross FBRC