Newsletter Mar ’12

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Paper copies are available at the range, but here is a preview below:

Clubhouse Extension

The highlight of the year so far must be the star­tling progress that has been made on the clubhouse ex­tension. A large mob of roughnecks attended to moving the walls then pouring umpteen cubic metres of concrete. Now the professionals are able to get on with the clever part. You can see the result for yourselves. When finished we should have a new toilet and kitchen and provi­sion for a workshop/fumble zone and library. There is still a lot to do but at the present rate of progress it should not be too long before opening day.


Sunday Range Allocation.

The increasing number attending the range on Sunday is causing congestion and confusion. In order to satisfy the different needs of members – action shooters, muzzle – loaders and casual shooters, we intend to intro­duce the following arrangement. There will be two con­secutive periods of 15 minutes for those wishing to shoot precision, sighting in and other 25 metre disciplines fol­lowed by one period of 30 minutes for action disciplines. The two consecutive periods will enable muzzle loaders to shoot a full 13 shot course of fire. Others should va­cate the firing point after their stint to allow those waiting to have a shot. Members should be prepared to change over without undue delay. The 30 minute period should allow the action shooters to shoot two complete courses of fire. This sequence should commence as soon as the range is opened and should continue during the day. When numbers are low common sense should be ap­plied.


Wednesday Club Day

For some time we have been considering having a regular Wednesday meeting. At present we do have Wednesday evenings in the summer months. It is appre­ciated that most members able to take advantage of mid – week shooting would be those who are retired – a grow­ing number. Members who shoot on our established Sun­day club day can be sure that there will be others there on that day. It will be some time before Wednesdays be­come established and that happy situation exists. It would be sensible, therefore, for you to make an arrange­ment with a fellow shooter to be sure that there will be at least the minimum two shooters in attendance. This will not affect the members’ right to attend the range at other times. Please get together. You can start next Wednes­day!


Club Leagues. The club leagues were the usual success last season. In other words a complete waste of time. So few members support these competitions that we did not present any medals or even diplomas. We may try a dif­ferent format this season but don’t hold your breath.

A Few Reminders.

A. If you are due to renew your Firearm Certificate in the next few months don’t wait to be reminded. The delays are such that, if you wait till the last minute, you may find yourself having to put your guns into storage.

B. If you wish a new membership card please see Jim Doherty. If you want to supply a new photo please supply two in passport format.

C. The next range maintenance day is on Sunday March 11th . All are welcome – suitably dressed.

D. If you are shooting on the PL7 targets please note that we no longer buy the full size target. Use the small centres backed by a second hand full size.

E. If you are introducing a new member or bringing a vis­itor or a friend on a guest day, please remember that you are responsible for their hospitality, conduct, signing in, instruction and £5.00 fee. They should be supervised at all times.

F. If you wish to carry on a loud conversation, go outside and remove your ear defenders It is difficult for range officers to make themselves heard above a hubbub like the Tokyo stock exchange. Misheard range commands can turn into mis­understood range commands all too easily. When the range officer is speaking, please be quiet!

G. The club now has on sale various articles. You will have noticed members wearing the very smart sweatshirts and caps. We have to make up a reasonable number to order these so see Leslie Kong to be added to the list. Please be prepared to pay when you place your order. Primers and lead bullets can be obtained from Colin Oswald – again cash up front. See the notice board. Jim Doherty always has .22 ammo for sale, again cash up front.


Constructive Comments.

If you have any suggestions please do not hesi­tate to make them. If they involve important changes make them in writing to the committee. It’s the best way to get ideas across. We always ignore idle gossip.


Always a Little Further!