Most JSPC members will be aware that new firing point booths had been planned for several months. The materials were purchased and with many thanks, especially to Robert Tonner (Senior) and Stuart Russell who have devoted much time and effort on preparation work at their homes, assembly began on Monday 18th November and the booths were ready to use by the Saturday.
Bill Vaughan, Colin Oswald, John Paterson, plus guests Nicola Tonner and partner Chris were very able assistants.
More work, such as overhead cover to protect from bird droppings and condensation, still to be done but as the photos show, it is a very impressive bit of workmanship by the members/guests involved.
Without the dedication of such members, the club could not progress without hiring contractors at great expense. We should acknowledge their contributions and show our gratitude!
Here are some photos (some courtesy of Colin Oswald and R J Tonner) of progress so far: