
Six members of JSPC travelled to Bisley for the weekend, and each returned with at least one medal of achievement.

Very hearty congratulations to Norman who continued his good form and collected 14 medals, matching the total collection of the rest of us!

The weather was very Scottish and should have given us a little advantage, but that was cancelled by the terrible condition of the target systems on Melville range where all the competitions were held. Target breakdowns, delays and the biting cold rather spoilt what was otherwise a very enjoyable weekend.

The range crew were wonderful and tried their best to keep things going.

The NRA have spent a lot of money to give the ranges a new appearance, but it all seemed cosmetic, and all shooting, bar 50 metres, had to be done in the open (apart from Advancing Target on Melville A).

I do hope that all competitors will send in their thoughts to the NRA so that perhaps things will be improved for the Phoenix 2016 weekend.

Anyway, not all gloomy news; Chris made his very first visit to Bisley and produced two personal bests (PBs) which is quite an achievement.

Chris in the 1500 match

Chris in the 1500 match

The results can be found as usual on the galleryrifle.com website but here they are:
