AFTER MANY MONTHS of lockdown caused by Covid 19 virus, Bisley eventually opened up to host the annual National Championship weekend.
The lockdown saw the demise of so many shooting competitions across the UK including those of Bisley Spring Action, The Army at Bisley, JSPC Spring Open, Derby Open, Mattersey Open, Aberdeen Wapinschaw, etc.
However, the health of everyone is paramount and it is a great shame that the politicians failed to get it right at the start of the pandemic.
JSPC range at Colmsliehill remains closed awaiting guidance from Scotland Target Shooting (STS) as they are the governing body in Scotland. Please continue to monitor the emails from the JSPC secretary for latest updates.
BISLEY. Scotland were very much a weakened squad as many of our shooters chose to avoid travel and to stay safe at home. Colin Oswald (Squad Manager) worked hard to get enough members so that we were able to enter four teams with Leslie asked to be interim Captain in the absence of Norman Veitch who is overwhelmed with work.
2055 J CORMIE | 1765 L KONG (Captain) | 2194 G DODDS | 50 D BERRY |
3221 S RUSSELL | 2194 G DODDS | 1281 STUART RANKINE | 1765 L KONG |
2337 G RASTALL | 2832 W POW | 3221 S RUSSELL | 1281 STUART RANKINE |
760 W VAUGHAN | 50 D BERRY | 2055 J CORMIE | 2055 J CORMIE |
2840 S LYON | 553 C OSWALD | 50 D BERRY | 2194 G DODDS |
Teams are invited from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
However, Wales too had difficulty in finding enough members so had to “double up” with some competitors shooting for both SB and CF teams.
Strictly speaking, this is not allowed, but as no trophies were being offered this year due to the pandemic, rules were relaxed in order for a meaningful competition to continue.
Northern Ireland did not produce any teams.
All credit is due to the six JSPC members who attended and were each chosen in a team to represent Scotland.
THE RESULTS are on the NRA website but attached here is the provisional Prize List.
Scotland did win the Gallery Rifle Smallbore team competition, but were defeated in all other three competitions by the stronger English teams.
We will hopefully produce a stronger challenge next year.
Congratulations are much due to Jonny Cormie who produced a wonderful weekend performance, topping many of the competitions and also collecting many of the aggregate trophies. Well done Jonny!
Finally, huge thanks to all the staff of the NRA and the assistance of all the range officers, most of whom are volunteers, for making the meeting possible. I am sure that everyone present was so relieved to be back on the range. Unfortunately, the governments have since announced another lockdown which may well impact on the Autumn Action weekend in October.
Till then, stay safe and get training as soon as we are allowed back on the ranges!
Finally, an assessment by Colin Oswald, the Team Manager:
Hello Everyone,
After a bit of a struggle we managed to
field quite presentable teams for the National Championships. Many
thanks to all those who were able to turn out for the Scottish Squad.
Every country had some difficulty with numbers and this resulted in some
crossover with competitors shooting for both teams. As this year we
were shooting for pleasure rather than the trophy it was of little
importance. Despite the difficulties our shooters acquitted themselves
Individual Matches:
18 First Places 7 Second Places 3 Third Places
Individual Aggregates:
LBR Shorts – Leslie, GSRB Shorts – Jonny, GRCF Shorts – Jonny, LBP Shorts – Jonny.
National Championships:
Prec. GRSB – Jonny, Short Events GRSB – Jonny,
Team Events:
Gallery Rifle Smallbore SCOTLAND J Cormie, G Rastall, S Lyon, S Russell, W Vaughan.
Despite the, by now familiar, Covid precautions the meeting went off very well and I’m sure everyone enjoyed the weekend.
Further reports can be found on the JSPC website and full results on the NRA site.
Entries are now open for the Autumn Action Weekend 24th – 25th October on the NRA site – with a bit of digging.