HCM 2012 proved to be a bit fraught as Wales were unable to muster a team of ten shooters to travel to Bisley.

As they could not meet the requirements of the competition, the meeting ended as a battle between the reigning champions England and the 2011 runners up, Scotland.

The results were very close and I will leave it to Colin to summarise the events of the day.

Meanwhile here are the results, details of which can be found on the NRA website:

ENGLAND   total 3287 (215X)

SCOTLAND total 3263 (178X)

– a matter of 24 points representing a difference of 0.7% overall.

Not bad, but not good enough, so the Scotland team collected a Silver medal.

Below are some photos taken at the event, but only showing some prize winners who stayed behind for the ceremony.

Alan Convery, Jon Cormie and Robert J Tonner were notably successful, as will be seen from Colin’s report.

I would like to thank Colin for his hard work and dedication in completing this task which was NOT helped by the NRA neglecting to put Standard Medal positions in their results. Colin therefore had to check EVERY score against the tables in the Gallery Rifle Handbook, no mean task especially without help!


National Gallery Rifle Championships

Bisley August 2012

17 members of the Scottish Gallery Rifle Squad attended the National Gallery Rifle Championships at Bisley.

10 members made up the Scottish Team – 5 shooting Centre  Fire and 5 shooting Small Bore.

In all, the members took part in 179 individual entries ranging from Small Bore Precision to Advancing Target.

Small Bore Team :  Centre Fire Team :  Back Up : 
Vic BeaumontCharles Bestwick

Alan Convery

Glenn Gordon

Robert J Tonner




Jonathon  CormieLeslie Kong

Chris Mclean

Greg Rastall

Robert Tonner




Iain McFadyenBill Pow

Bill Vaughan

Mike Hibberd

Lara Bestwick

Scott Lyon

Colin Oswald



The Home Countries Match is the Premier Competition of the Weekend and is a Shoulder to Shoulder match.  The competition and pressure are intense.

Our teams acquitted themselves well, losing to England by only 24 points 3263 against 3287 equipment malfunctions accounting for the difference.

As can be seen below, all our members shot well and came away with a considerable haul of awards in a wide variety of disciplines.


Worthy of particular mention is the performance of Jonathon Cormie :

British Champion – Aggregate of Timed & Precision and Multi Target Gallery Rifle Small Bore.


The following abbreviations are used throughout :


T&P  Timed & Precision                  GRSB    Gallery Rifle Small Bore              SSC   Speed Steel Challenge

MT    Multi Target                            GRCF    Gallery Rifle Centre Fire             Ph A  Phoenix A

AT     Advancing Target                    LBR       Long Barrelled Revolver            Prec.  Precision

LBP    Long Barrelled Pistol              SG         Shot Gun                                      AM  America Match


It should be noted that there are three divisions in some disciplines.



All listed below are members of the Scottish Gallery Rifle Squad.


Twenty Gold Place Medals  :


Robert Tonner                                      T&P GRSB

Vic Beaumont                                       T&P GRCF

Greg Rastall                                          T&P GRCF  Open

Alan Convery                                        T&P LBP

Robert J Tonner                                   T&P LBP

Jon Cormie                                            MT GRSB

Greg Rastall                                          MT GRCF Open

Alan Convery                                       MT LBP

Robert J Tonner                                   MT LBP

Greg Rastall                                          MT LBR

Jon Cormie                                           MT LBR

Jon Cormie                                           Phoenix A GRSB

Robert Tonner                                     Phoenix A GRSB

Scott Lyon                                            Phoenix A GRCF

Robert J Tonner                                  MT 3 GRSB

Alan Convery                                      AT GRSB

Jon Cormie                                          AT GRSB

Leslie Kong                                          AT GRCF

Alan Convery                                      SSC GRSB

Jonathon Cormie – British Championship – Aggregate of T&P and MT  GRSB British Record


Eleven Silver Place Medals :


Greg Rastall                                           25m Prec  GRCF Open

Robert J Tonner                                    T&P GRSB

Bill Vaughan                                           T&P LBP

Alan Convery                                          MT GRSB

Robert J Tonner                                     AT GRSB

Greg Rastall                                            AT GRCF Open

Alan Convery                                          AT LBP

Robert J Tonner                                     AT LBP

Bill Vaughan                                           AT LBP

Jon Cormie                                             AT LBR

Alan Convery                                          SSC LBP


Thirteen  Bronze Place Medals :


Bill Pow                                                   T&P GRSB

Iain McFadyen                                       T&P GRCF

Iain McFadyen                                       T&P LBP

Iain McFadyen                                       MT GRCF

Mike Hibberd                                         MT GRCF Classic

Bill Vaughan                                           MT LBP

Chris McLean                                         MT LBR

Greg Rastall                                       Ph A  GRCF

Robert Tonner                                  AT GRSB

Mike Hibberd                                    AT GRCF Classic

Leslie Kong                                         AT LBP

Charles Bestwick                               AT LBP

Alan Convery                       British Championships Aggregate GRSB


Standard medals are awarded for scores that reach a Set High Standard. (No actual medals are given )


Twenty Gold Standard Medals :


Greg Rastall                                         25m Prec GRCF

Robert Tonner                                    T&P  GRSB

Vic Beaumont                                      T&P GRCF

Alan Convery                                        T&P  LBP

Robert J Tonner                                   T&P LBP

Robert J Tonner                                    T&P 2 GRCF

Jon Cormie                                            MT  GRSB

Alan Convery                                         MT GRSB

Iain McFadyen                                       MT GRSB

Greg Rastall                                           MT GRCF Open

Robert J Tonner                                    MT LBP

Bill Vaughan                                           MT LBP

Robert Tonner                                      Ph A GRSB

Scott Lyon                                              Ph A GRCF

Alan Convery                                         AT GRSB

Bill Pow                                                   AT GRSB

Robert J Tonner                                    AT LBP

Alan Convery                                         SSC GRSB

Alan Convery                                         SSC LBP

Iain McFadyen                                      SSC LBP


Thirty Two Silver Standard Medals :


Charles Bestwick                                    25m Prec GRSB

Bill Pow                                                    25m Prec GRSB

Colin Oswald                                           25m Prec GRCF

Chris McLean                                          25m Prec GRCF

Robert J Tonner                                      T&P GRSB

Bill Pow                                                     T&P GRSB

Bill Vaughan                                              T&P GRCF

Iain McFadyen                                          T&P GRCF

Iain McFadyen                                          T&P LBP

Bill Vaughan                                              T&P LBP

Glenn Gordon                                           T&P LBR

Charles Bestwick                                       MT GRSB

Robert J Tonner                                        MT GRSB

Bill Pow                                                      MT GRSB

Greg Rastall                                                      MT GRCF

Jon Cormie                                                        MT GRCF

Charles Bestwick                                              MT GRCF

Leslie Kong                                                        MT LBP

Jon Cormie                                                        MT LBR

Jon Cormie                                                        Ph A GRSB

Greg Rastall                                                      Ph A GRCF

Jon Cormie                                                        AT GRSB

Leslie Kong                                                        AT GRCF

Bill Pow                                                              AT GRCF

Bill Vaughan                                                      AT GRCF

Vic Beaumont                                                   AT GRCF

Alan Convery                                                     AT LBP

Leslie Kong                                                         AT LBP

Iain McFadyen                                                   AT LBP

Bill Vaughan                                                       AT LBP

Jon Cormie                                                         AT LBR

Scott Lyon                                                           SSC GRSB


Thirty Nine Bronze Standard Medals :


Bill Pow                                                              25m Prec GRCF

Jon Cormie                                                         25m Prec GRCF

Greg Rastall                                                        25m Prec GRCF Open

Chris McLean                                                      50m GRCF

Robert Tonner                                                    AM  GRSB

Bill Pow                                                                AM GRSB

Scott Lyon                                                           T&P GRSB

Jon Cormie                                                          T&P GRSB

Scott Lyon                                                            T&P GRCF

Greg Rastall                                                          T&P GRCF Open

Leslie Kong                                                            T&P LBP

Greg Rastall                                                           T&P LBR

Jon Cormie                                                            T&P LBR

Glenn Gordon                                                       T&P 2 GRCF

Glenn Gordon                                                       MT GRSB

Bill Vaughan                                                          MT GRSB

Lara Bestwick                                                         MT GRSB

Robert Tonner                                                       MT GRSB

Iain McFadyen                                                       MT GRCF

Mike Hibberd                                                         MT GRCF Classic

Charles Bestwick                                                   MT GRCF Classic

Alan Convery                                                         MT LBP

Iain McFadyen                                                       MT LBP

Chris McLean                                                          MT LBR

Scott Lyon                                                               Ph A GRSB

Jon Cormie                                                              Ph A GRCF

Robert Tonner                                                        AT GRSB

Greg Rastall                                                                 AT GRCF

Charles Bestwick                                                        AT GRCF

Jon Cormie                                                                   AT GRCF

Glenn Gordon                                                              AT GRCF

Iain McFadyen                                                             AT GRCF

Robert Tonner                                                              AT GRCF

Colin Oswald                                                                 AT GRCF

Charles Bestwick                                                           AT LBP

Lara Bestwick                                                                AT LBP

Greg Rastall                                                                   AT LBR

Iain McFadyen                                                               SSC GRSB

Alan Convery                                                                 BDMP Embassy Cup SG


Home Countries Match :


1st England                                                                     3287   215 X

2nd Scotland                                                                   3263   178 x


Our Captain Charles Bestwick writes :


The development of ‘Scotland Gallery Rifle’ as a strong force in GR-Team matches and the establishment of Scottish GR shooters as amongst the best short-action practitioners in the UK has been pretty much cemented over the last two years. However, if any further proof was needed then the array of class, overall match and National Championship wins by squad members and the strong presence of Scotland shooters in the top level placings for the T&P 1 – MT GRSB and GRCF National aggregates speaks for itself. Unfortunately our focus for the ‘Nationals’ , the Home Countries Match was subject to a dispute over the conditions under which teams can compete and this ultimately led to Wales withdrawing. This was extremely regrettable but I will not dwell on it. It happened and must be avoided in the future. Despite technical gremlins for one or two of the squad (and a near ‘John Cleese’ like moment of talking to certain misbehaving rifle), the match with England proved a very close run affair. As Robert (J) pointed out, our opponents were ‘scoping’ our scores, clearly concerned as to how close the match was proving and demonstrating how much respect and expectation there is for the performance that the squad can deliver. Ultimately the honours went to England and many congratulations are due to them, the match being conducted in a very friendly and sporting atmosphere. So, we finish 2012 as the Phoenix International Team GRCF Champions (a title we also won in 2011) and we are getting closer than ever to England in the shoulder-to-shoulder matches. It’s been quite amazing progress for the squad since the hectic rush of shooters to answer the call of the inaugural 2008 HCN Match but a constant feature has been the spirit and camaraderie of the squad and win, lose or draw, the GR Squad continues to represent Scotland with commitment and sportsmanship.”



Greg Rastall collecting one of his medals from Chris Farr

Leslie Kong managed to shoot the Advancing target GRCF at last

Scott Lyon from Dundee with 2012 Nationals Champion Jon Cormie